Below copied the proc used to increment physical address (mac) by given count.
proc incrmentMac { mac byCount} {
while { $byCount } {
set hexValues [ split $mac ":" ]
set position 5
set carryFwd 1
while { $carryFwd && [expr $position + 1]} {
set carryFwd 0
set hexVal [lindex $hexValues $position]
scan $hexVal "%x" decimal_value
incr decimal_value
set hexVal [format "%x" $decimal_value]
if { $hexVal == 100 } {
set hexValues [lreplace $hexValues $position $position "00"]
set carryFwd 1
incr position -1
} elseif { [string length $hexVal] == 1 } {
set hexValues [lreplace $hexValues $position $position "0$hexVal"]
set carryFwd 0
} else {
set hexValues [lreplace $hexValues $position $position "$hexVal"]
set carryFwd 0
set mac ""
for {set position 0 } {$position < 6} {incr position} {
if { $position == 0 } {
set mac "$mac[lindex $hexValues $position]"
} else {
set mac "$mac:[lindex $hexValues $position]"
incr byCount -1
return "$mac"