Monday, October 26, 2009

downloading linux iso using torrents.

In google search for you torrents iso link for source.
I have searched for ubuntu and downloaded "ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent" its around 24 KB.

If you don't have torrent downloader in linux
tar -jxvf Vuze_4.2.0.8_linux.tar.bz2
cd vuze/
./azureus &
It open vuze window
(This tool available for windows also)
It will open GUI for vuze.
Press ctrl+o or chose file -> open-> torrent file.
Click on "add file", browse and select torrent file which you already downloaded.
Now torrent starts downloading file.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

configure Bugzilla with gmail smtp

This article explains how to use GMAIL SMTP(TLS AUTH) to send bugzilla alerts.
Bugzilla supports following methods to send mail alerts :
  • sendmail
  • SMTP
For SMTP method BugZilla uses Email::Send::SMTP Perl module. GMAIL SMTP uses TLS ( Transport Layer Security ) as authentication method, so Email::Send::SMTP can not be used for the same.
We need to use another perl module Email::Send::SMTP::TLS.
First step would be to install Email::Send::SMTP::TLS from CPAN. use following steps to do so :
  • using CPAN SHELL
  • Lanch CPAN shell as follows
capn>install Email::Send::SMTP::TLS
cpan shell might ask you to install additional modules, install them.

  • compiling from source
  • Download source from HERE and execute following commands
    1.tar zxvf Email-Send-SMTP-TLS-0.03.tar.gz Email-Send-SMTP-TLS-0.03
    5.make install
Once Email:Send::SMTP::TLS is installed, BugZilla should have SMTP::TLS method to send alerts. This can be verified by logging in as admin to BugZilla and going to Administration -> Parameters -> Email
Now we need tweak BugZilla code. carefully execute following instructions and don't forget to backup files before you modify.
Go to your BugZilla installation directory and execute following command

cd Bugzilla
Open file.
Search for following code( should be on line # 57)
1.sub MessageToMTA {
add following line after it

my ($smtp_server,$smtp_port);

search for following if block

1.if ($method eq "SMTP") {
and change it to
01.if ($method eq "SMTP" || $method eq "SMTP::TLS") {
02. ($smtp_server,$smtp_port) = split /:/,Bugzilla->params->{"smtpserver"};
03. push @args,
04. Host => $smtp_server,
05. User => Bugzilla->params->{"smtp_username"},
06. Password => Bugzilla->params->{"smtp_password"},
07. Hello => $hostname,
08. Debug => Bugzilla->params->{'smtp_debug'};
09. push @args, Port => $smtp_port if($smtp_port);
10. }
Now we need to do settings in bugzilla parameters.
Login as administrator to Bugzilla and go to Administration -> Parameters -> Email and do following settings
1. Select SMTP::TLS as mail_delivery_method
2. Enter your gmail address in mailfrom
3. Enter in smtpserver
4. Enter in smtp_username
5. Enter gmail password in smtp_password

It will work pretty good.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Install vpnclient on centos 5.1 and perforce

download vpnclient-linux-x86_64- file
tar -zxvf vpnclient-linux-x86_64-
cd vpnclient
/etc/init.d/vpnclient_init start
copy cust.pcf (your vpn profile file to connect to your client) to /etc/opt/cisco-vpnclient/Profiles/.
To connect to your customer type
#vpnclient connect cust
Above cust is the name of the pcf file you copied to /etc/opt/cisco-vpnclient/Profiles/.


download p4v from
tar -zxvf p4v.tgz
cd p4v-2009.1.212209
directly you can access perforce here.